50% Money back - OFFER
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Here is a golden opportunity to get up to 50% money back by submitting an eye-catching picture of one of our products.
Share with us your product photo's and videos! Simply send your content direct from your phone to our Facebook Page. or Viber: 7444999
We may feature your content at our own discretion (subject to availability) on our website homepage at www.maldivesonlineshop.com or on our Social Media Platforms. We may give credit (on Request) including a link to your social media page whenever your content is used by ourselves on our website, social media posts and/or email marketing. We will reserve the right to refuse any content which we deem to be unsuitable, inappropriate, unoriginal or of poor quality.
What are the Benefits?
As an Official Brand Rep’ you’ll get...
A MVR 250 Gift Voucher to spend on Maldives Online Shop™ products, for each Subbmision! (twise a month - max)
An Extra 15% Off for all of your family, friends and followers who use your personalised link or code to Purchase online.
Early access to new products and promotions!
When and how will I be paid?
We make payments through BML Transfer only.
We make Payments for each selected photo or video.
And yes, it really is that easy. Terms apply (see below).
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For evry submission you'll receive a free MVR 250 Gift Voucher which you must use by the end of each month, or else it will expire. Using your MVR 250 voucher you can buy any product on our website whilst your 15% off code will work for all products. You agree that any curated assets that you provide can be used by Maldives Online Shop™ and/or our affiliate partners for all marketing purposes including any posts, stories or content that you produce as a result of your participation in this program.
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